Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The George Liquor Program (TV Pitch)


The George Liquor Program (TV Pitch) Music List

  • Happy Tune - Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin (Opening)
  • Heroic Resolve [#96] - Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin (Hunting)
  • Parasols In The Park - Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin (George and his mounted animals)
  • Waltz Elegante - Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin (Jack Lovely)
  • Romantic Evening - Gary Hughes (George's Wife)
  • War Victims 2 - Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin ("I told her not to smoke that last cancer stick!")
  • Dusty Dan - Peter Dennis (George sadly walks away)

Friday, July 16, 2021

Update 7/16

Somehow, while listening to World War II - Drama from Chappell Recorded Music Library, I managed to Identify Searchlight by Charles Williams. So there goes one of our unidentified tracks.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Goddamn George Liquor Program Music List


The Goddamn George Liquor Program Music List

Part 1

  • Monkey Busines (Laugh) (?) - Robert Farnon [Chappell] (Opening)
  • Unknown Track 1 (Sun wakes everyone up)
  • Unknown Track 2 (Poopocolypse)
  • Unknown Track 1 (Sun looks relaxed)
  • Turkey Reel - Cadkin/Bluestone [CPM] (George picks up his nephew)
  • Unknown Track 3 (Part 1 ends)
  • Picture Parade - Jack Beaver [Chappell] (Sponsored by Your Ad Here)

Part 2

  • Monkey Busines (Naughty) - Robert Farnon [Chappell] (George and Jimmy in the kitchen)
  • Rolling Home - Robert Farnon [Chappell] (George delivers the bacon)
  • Cookoo Cavaliers Theme (Three Stoogies Dolls)

Part 3

  • Whimsical - Robert Farnon [Chappell] (George delivers bacon)
  • The Toy Shop Window - Roger Roger [Chappell] (Jimmy's hair rises up)
  • Searchlight - Charles Williams [Chappell] (George tapping desk)
  • Convoy Attack - Charles Williams [Chappell] (Jimmy tries to push his two hands together)
  • Air on a G String - Johann Sebastian Bach [BCC 12] (George and Jimmy prey)

Part 4

  • Looking Around - Colin Smith [Chappell] ("Okay, boy. Dig in.")
  • Barrow Boy - Sidney Torch [Chappell] (Jimmy licking the pan)

Part 6

  • Dramatic Cue E - Ronald Charles Douglas Hanmer [APM] (George opens the door)
  • Dramatic Cue D - Ronald Charles Douglas Hanmer [APM] (George is in shock)
  • Spaceways - Jack Beaver [Chappell] (Enter Sody Pop)
  • The Old Clockmaster - Charles Williams [Chappell] (Jimmy thinks of the beach)
  • Dramatic Cue E - Ronald Charles Douglas Hanmer [APM] (George opens the door)
  • Funny Little Man - Wyn Henry [APM] (Part 6 Ending)
  • Spaceways - Jack Beaver [Chappell[ (Picture of Sody Pop begins to grow)

Part 7

  • Barrow Boy - Sidney Torch [Chappell] (Slab and Ernie meets Jimmy)
  • Sparkling Brass - Malcolm Lockyer [Chappell] (Slab and Ernie beat up Jimmy)
  • Funny Little Man - Wyn Henry [APM] (Ending)

The Goddamn George Liquor Program Christmas Special Music List

The Goddamn George Liquor Program Christmas Special Music List

  • Jingle Bells - William Henry Harris [APM] (Opening)
  • Sugarplum Fairy (60) - Richard Allen Harvey [APM] (Sody Pop kisses Jimmy)
  • Good King Wenceslas - Richard Allen Harvey [APM] (The gang starts singing)